Let’s talk Real Estate…

About Me…

My name is Maxine Pellegrini and I’m a licensed realtor working for Realty One Group Next Level in Bedford, NH. During the 10 years I spent babysitting and nannying, I developed many of the skills I use everyday in my real estate business, including emotional intelligence, problem solving, and the ability to think on my feet.

The opportunity to help individuals find their dream homes or make sound investments is very fulfilling. I was drawn to real estate by its dynamic nature and the potential for both personal and financial growth. Overall, the combination of challenge, opportunity, and the chance to create lasting impact on my clients motivated me to pursue a career in Real Estate.

The buying process can be very overwhelming for most people, whether you’ve been looking for 3 months or 3 years. It is my job as a realtor to simplify this process for my buyers as best I can.


The realm of real estate selling is both challenging and rewarding, as it involves not just transactions but the transition of spaces that hold personal significance. My job as a realtor is to get you the best price and conditions for your home. Start with finding the value here.


Important Paperwork

  • https://www.oplc.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt441/files/inline-documents/sonh/brokerage-relationship-disclosure-form.pdf

  • https://eforms.com/images/2020/01/New-Hampshire-Buyer-Agency-Agreement-Realtor-Version.pdf

  • http://tinkhamrealty.com/images/exclusive-listing-agreement.pdf

  • https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.usmre.com/6122/Purchas%20and%20Sales.pdf